Keep Seeking, Keep Listening, Keep Following
By (in)courage | February 16, 2025
“The Lord is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray....
The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible helps you find God in the midst of it.
The (in)courage Devotional Bible traces ten themes throughout the Bible. A specific color and pattern helps you find each theme’s reading plan, devotions, and “Women of Courage” profiles, as well as two beautifully designed Scripture verses (one from the Old Testament and one from the New).
These profiles highlight fifty women in the Bible, explaining how God showed his love in each women's life.
Through the (in)courage Devotional Bible, you''ll find 52 reflective devotions. Designed to help you begin each week in God's Word, these devotions anchor the themed reading plans and include reflection questions and journaling space. Every devotion has been written by someone who has walked through the topic she addresses—from adoption to cancer to missions work—and met God’s love in the midst of it.
Introductions to each book of the Bible help us see what context this book comes from, how it fits into the story of the Bible, and how it connects to our daily lives.
Throughout the Bible, twenty verses have been highlighted with beautiful designs to help you meditate on and memorize the truth of God’s Word.
Engage with each page of Scripture in lined journaling spaces provided for personal notes and reflection.
(in)courage is a vibrant online community, reaching thousands of women every day. We invite you to come just as you are and find loving support and resources for meaningful connection. Learn more about our community.
Denise is a lover of words and the Word. She's the author of #DeeperWaters and the Bible study series #WordWriters.
Living in the shadows of downtown Denver with her four daughters and husband. Learning to love her actual life.
Grace-saved wife and mom. Scavenger of hope. Sharing God's glory one messy, broken, beautiful story at a time.
Canadian writer and artist. A fan of telling stories and creating hand-lettered prints. Author of Come Find Me, Sage Parker.
Mom of eight. Encouraging voice. Lover of God's Word. Proverbs 31 Ministries.
Cop's wife. Mom to three. Iced coffee enthusiast. All-around nerd. Anxiety girl turned overcomer.
Wife. Mama. Bookworm and homeschooler resting in the shadow of the Almighty.
Spoken Word Poet. Author. Event Host. Donut and cupcake connoisseur.
Lover of family, all things technology, and time with Jesus.
Wife to Mike. Mom to Leah, Joshua, Jonathan, and Jared. Lover of her family, His Word, and Caramel lattes.
Wife to the Farmer. Mama to seven. Author of NYT Bestsellers: The Broken Way, One Thousand Gifts, and The Greatest Gift.
Author. Speaker. Digital Content Manager at (in)courage. Mom of three, running on grace and caffeine.
Wife to one amazing boy in Alaska. Mama of two cuties. Writer. Musician. Lover of beauty. Child of God.
Bestselling author, speaker, and podcast host based in Nashville, TN.
Speaker and author. Wife and mom of three who loves helping others enjoy happy homes.
Writer, speaker, Community Manager for (in)courage. Mom to three spirited boys. Celebrating life in the thick of it.
Wife, mom, artist and entrepreneur who seeks beauty, color, memories, and Him.
Wife. Mom. Speaker. Author of Hope Unfolding. Living in Los Angeles by way of Oklahoma.
Inspiring Speaker. Author of Whispers of Rest and Finding Spiritual Whitespace. Encouraging women to refresh the soul and find their spark.
Author of Come and Eat. Lover of gathering people around a meal. Obsessive smiler.
Joy-filled child of God. Set free by Jesus. Believer in Truth.
Dream encourager. Marriage mentor. Virtual assistant. Writer. Living in Chicago with her husband and four kids.
Woman of unceasing, continual, powerful, undeniable faith. Even as I question it.
Co-author of Overwhelmed and You Don't Have to Try So Hard; co-host of Grit 'n' Grace; co-leader of Sensitive and Strong.
Singer/Songwriter. Woods Walker. Relentless Hoper.
Jesus. Wife. Mama. Country Living. Author of Invited and founder of Undivided Women. Believer of #connectionnotperfection.
Wife. Mother. Gardener. Author of Roots and Sky: A Journey Home in Four Seasons.
Loves her family, craves authenticity, believes with all her heart that God is reviving Tallahassee.
Author. Speaker. Sweet tea connoisseur.
Courtney Walsh: NY Times bestselling author of small town inspirational stories. Lover of yoga pants + coffee + Jesus.
Food and lifestyle blogger. Wife, and mother of two. Seeking joy in the small moments.
Camera-toting mother of eight. Lover of gummy bears, sweet tea, good books, and movie dates.
Passionate about leadership. Curious leaner. Love cultivating moments of connection with others over coffee and chocolate.
Author. Speaker. Disco-Lover.
Author of Deeper Waters and the Bible study series Word Writers. Writer for the First 5 app by Proverbs 31 Ministries. Fan of peach tea, old books, and a good football game.
Writer and world citizen. Living in Australia with her husband and sons.
Advocating for lives and legacies changed by God. Wife. Mom. Life Coach. Mentor. Author. Speaker
Faith Coach. Wife. Mom of five. Tiny house living, big personalities. Jesus keeps her sane.
Wife, Mama, Nona. Long walks make her heart sing and occasionally cause her to break into a run.
Wife. Mom. Listener. Depending on Jesus and learning to live in such a way that no one misses the grace of God.
Jesus-follower, wife, boy mom, runner, popcorn lover, Nebraska girl. Co-founder of The MOB Society.
Jesus follower. Story teller. Web designer. Adventure seeker. Works best with coffee in hand.
Wife. Mom. Writer and encourager of women. Host of Declare Conference. Inspired by the Word of God.
Gratitude Gal. Writer and speaker who encourages women through laughter and heartfelt thanks.
Mama to triplets. Wife. Speaker. Writer. Lawyer. Lover of coffee and conversations.
Shouter of worth. Underdog advocate. Author of The Lucky Few. Using words on paper to share my heart.
Author of The Missional Mom. Director of Marketing for InterVarsity Press. Speaker, wife, mom of three boys.
Author. Encourager. Life coach. Follower of Jesus and friend to YOU. Wife to Mark and mama to Lovelle.
Podcaster. Author. Speaker. Champion of women following Jesus in every stage of life.
Wife. Mom of four. Grace Enthusiast. Photographer. Lover of words and iced coffee.
Seeking beauty amidst the bedlam. Wife. Mom of 5. Host of The Becoming Conference and author of Just Open the Door.
Author of The Happiness Dare. She and her husband raise crops, pigs, and two humans on an Iowa farm.
Faith builder. Truth seeker. Tea lover. Living and learning on #thissideofgrace.
Southern girl. Pastor's wife. Writer. National speaker and lipstick lover.
Crazy mom of four wild kids. A mess. Thankful for God's grace.
Author and Life Coach. Helps busy women make space for what matters most (but drinks way too much tea).
Atlanta-based writer helping Christians engage better across social divides.
Author of Even if Not. She loves iced coffee, good storytelling, and looking for beauty in the ordinary.
Devoted to helping women live out their unique calling and building community through practical application of Scripture.
Mike's wife. Francesca's mom. Mimi to four. Author. Foodie. Lover of hospitality, conversation, and Jesus.
Speaker and author of the FOCUSed15 Bible studies which provide a deep time in God's Word in as little as 15 minutes a day.
Finding joy in sharing stories of hope + humor. Author of Anchored and In Bloom.
Encouraging & equipping moms to make time for what matters most.
Speaker. Blogger. Author of Fear Fighting: Awakening to Courage to Overcome Your Fears.
Wife. Mom of three amazing kids. Blogger. Loves tacos and laughing and football. Most of all, wants the world to know Jesus.
Wife. Mother. Community builder. Helping go-getter women find strength through faith.
Speaker. Author of An Imperfect Woman. Hosts Winsome Retreat. Embraced by love. Sustained by joy.
Writer. Mom of three kids. Reveling in a perpetual state of wanderlust on the East Coast.
Writer. Bible teacher. Wife. Mother of three. Storyteller. Legacy builder. Joy-chaser. Atlanta-dweller.
Author of Come, Lord Jesus: The Weight of Waiting and Holey, Wholly, Holy: A Lenten Journey of Refinement.
Wife to a retired U.S. Air Force veteran. Mama to three teens. And author of Girl Meets Change.
Wife and a mother, but most importantly, a daughter of the King. Redeemed by His grace and so very grateful for it.
Believes God authors every story and likes to swap those stories with friends.
Wife. Mom of six. Cheerleader to bloggers and speakers. Equipping moms to be brave and not grow weary.
Author of Playdates with God. Living (and playing) in a little valley in West Virginia.
Wife to Matt. Mother to Audrey, Reid, and Norah. Worship leader, writer, and speaker.
Wife and mama. Finding God's purpose in our stories. books and cooking are her jam.
Author. List-maker. Foodie. Fan of pages fresh from the printer.
Mother of four, husband to Mark, student of the Word, unconditionally loved.
Convinced the daily mess is where faith lives best. Tea drinker. PW Bestselling author of Never Unfriended.
Devotee to family, words, good food, and the Bible. Feisty work in progress. The Office makes me laugh. Jesus is all I know.
A hopeful romantic. A happy wife and delightfully surprised mother of five children. And a lover of Jesus.
Former bad girl, grateful for God's grace. Bible teacher, grateful for God's truth.
A plate-juggling mom, wife, speaker. Author of Curious Faith: Rediscovering Hope in the God of Possibility.
Jesus follower. Wife. Mom. Writer. Podcaster. Urban Missionary. Church Planter. Chief of Sinners.
Speaker. Writer. Life Coach. Encourager. Wife, momma, and Jesus enthusiast.
Writer on all things motherhood, faith, and creativity. Living with her family in Detroit.
Freedom-seeker. God-sized dreamer. Art maker. Writer. Encourager. Wellness educator.
Author of A Beatiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness.
Writer and speaker. Finding truth in unexpected places. Jesus follower, girl mom, and Netflix lover.
Recovering perfectionist. Bible geek. Seeking daily to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.
Author of Women Are Scary and It's Not Fair. Speaker, podcaster, and snort-laughing geek.
Playwright, Blogger, Lover of Jesus and the arts! Recovering Helicopter mom. Homesick for heaven.
Cancer survivor. Military spouse. Mom to three (one in heaven and two here on earth).
Author of Love the Home You Have and the award-winning home blog The Inspired Room.
A perfectly imperfect mess of a farmwife. Mama to two. Fueled by coffee and grace. Loves Jesus and life stories.
Speaker. Author of Undone and I Am. Podcaster. Content consultant. Mastermind Leader. Wife. Mom of six.
Wife, mama, friend, and mentor. Most passionate about communicating the truth that brings freedom.
Director of Wellspring International, advocating for at risk women and children. Her family lives in Atlanta.
Educator. Writer. Speaker with messages of hope, advocacy, adoption and mental health.
Author of Heart Sisters and the companion Bible study Becoming Heart Sisters.
Peacemaker. Head Shalom Sister. The first one out on the dance floor.
Artist. Author. And stray donkey owner in Texas.
Word-lover. Heart-encourager. Grace-needer. Author of A Confident Heart.
Curious believer, celebrator of life, Southern as sugar-shocked tea. Happy wife, mom, and Boomer girl.
Mom of four. Wife of Clay. Author. Blogger. Podcaster (At Home with Sally). Mentoring women to know God's love.
Writer. Speaker. Passionate about family, discipleship, and equipping leaders for ministry.
Author of several books, including Desperate. Encouraging women to begin again and keep on.
Wife to the builder. Mom to ten. Author of {Why} Motherhood Matters. Speaker and non-profit founder/conference host.
Lover of music and words. Desires to encourage others to honor God.
Christ follower. Writer. Reader. Teacher. Traveler. Gourmet wannabe. Dinner at my house will involve laughter.
Lover of Jesus, music, coffee, and quality friendships.
Mike's wife. Mom to four awesome girls. Bible teacher. Coffee drinker. Author of Is Jesus Worth It?
Co-founder of (in)courage. Courageously passionate about God's heart and His vision for His daughters.
Christ -follower. Saint-mobilizer. Grateful soul.
Author. Speaker. Coach. Funny gal. Your biggest cheerleader. Coffee before talkie.
Lopsided Living encourager. Girl mom cheerleader. Author of Praying for Girls: Asking God for the Things They Need Most.
Story writer. Coffee drinker. Encourager. Truth seeker.
Wife. Mom of ten. Nana. Writer of many books. Lover of naps.
Author. Speaker. Wife. Mom. Lover of fitness. Leaning on Jesus.
Monty's wife. Bo and Lauren's mom. Bible teacher and author. Fan of cowboy boots and college basketball.
Wife. Mom of four girls. Author of She Is Yours. Speaker and founder of "For Girls Like You" magazine and resources for girls.
The CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible® (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.
“The Lord is good and does what is right; He shows the proper path to those who go astray....
I once danced underneath a peach tree that was struck by lightning. The peach tree had not borne...